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September 2019

Greetings Friends!


As always, I hope this letter finds you happy, healthy, ...and feeling loved


I'm sure you all were starting to wonder whether you were going to see a September newsletter! Well, maybe you weren't wondering. But I sure was. Things have been hectic and I was hoping to write about overcoming some of the recent obstacles. But I guess I'm supposed to write about where I'm at right now. Good grief. You may want to buckle up.


These days, my world is consumed with more and more dog related challenges. So much so that I sometimes forget to eat. Food not only fuels my system and feeds my cells, but it's one of my best friends. So you know life is crazy when I miss meals. Ugh. We're dealing with severe allergies, possibly mites, yeast, and/or God only knows what. Sleepless nights and constant bedding changes, Reiki, vacuuming, researching, and spray baths....that's pretty much what my world looks like right now. It's all consuming. It's also by my own design.


You see, I'm a fixer. And I'm tenacious. I don't give up easily. I am great at taking control. And in some areas of life, these are helpful attributes. In fact, it comes in handy when things need to get done. Hand me a project and put me in the driver's seat and you can bet that if there is a way, I will plow through and make it happen. Whether it's 10 loads of laundry or managing my grandparents' estate or planning a white water rafting trip for a group of 30 or navigating the care of my husband or dogs. I'll get it done. At least that's how things have worked in the past.


Lately, it seems, no matter how much I research, no matter how much I think and think (and THINK) about the possible causes of or ways to relieve my dog's horrific symptoms, I can't seem to fix this. It's heartbreaking and it's taking its toll on my health and energy. It's not a great place to be. Right now, my mind is in a rather constant state of fear and I'm doing everything I can think of to try and get this dog healthy. It's a vicious carousel ride in my head. And if I'm to be honest with myself, it really comes down to me desperately wanting to control the situation. My very dear friend even lovingly pointed out that my behavior and thoughts are a bit OCD. I can't argue with that. Not one bit.


In my work, I am reminded day in and day out that we are powerful spiritual beings. We may have human weakness and struggle with fear, doubt, and frustration (among other things) but at the end of the day, we truly are Souls having a human experience. That when we work together with Spirit, we are able to overcome obstacles with minimal difficulty and recovery time is shorter. So when I am working, I am able to detach from my crazy OCD thoughts. When I'm in nature, walking the trails with Yogi, I feel connected with God and my spirit team and I regain hope that we will get to a good place again. I am also reminded that we have come a long way from where we began back in May (he's gone from a fearful, reactive, aggressive guy to a more confident, stable, sociable boy). And I feel gratitude for the successes. In these moments of clarity, I remember that this is all temporary and that I do have the power to manifest a calm and peaceful resolution with the help of Spirit. And I wave my white flag and give thanks for the help that they are bringing to me. I find peace in these moments.


But no sooner do we get back at home, and he is constantly itching and biting his poor raw hamburger looking legs and feet, scratching his ears, and corn cob biting his body, I resume my frantic thinking once again.... do I spray him? which spray will help? did I feed him something or expose him to something from his LOOOOONG list of allergens? are the TCM herbs working or not? this supplement or that supplement? how much quercetin can I safely give him? is this an allergy problem or a yeast problem or a bug problem? I could go on, but I think you get the picture.


I am constantly toggling between my chaotic state and my acceptance state....but mostly residing in my chaotic state.


Pulling cards and asking for answers when I'm in that heightened state is nothing short of a joke. I want to know what to do. And I want to know now. I want the fix it handbook for this problem and I want to know when it will be over. But I know Spirit doesn't play like that. I ask, "Should I fast Yogi?" and the card I pull is "Ask Your Angels". That's when the cursing begins. Pretty sure THAT'S WHAT I AM FREAKING DOING by pulling cards.


So I sit in meditation and ask....what am I supposed to be learning from this? Surrender. Release the need to control. Detach from the situation. Ask us for help. Love him and yourself through this process. And I feel like things will be okay. More cards validate that everything is going to be okay. And then it dawns on matter what happens, it will be okay. I don't need to control the outcome. Heaven forbid we aren't able to get Yogi healthy and he declines and we have to say good bye to him, then I trust that's exactly how things were supposed to play out. I won't like it. But I will be okay and so will he. And that's the worst case scenario. The best case is that he is just going through a tough time as his immune system strengthens and we will all get through this soon enough. My thoughts need to be positive, I need to enlist Spirit's help, and I need to accept that if he is meant to regain his health, he will. We have the ability to co-create our lives and to attract what we think. So living in a constant state of needing to fix, I am likely attracting more to fix. But boy, oh boy. Flipping the switch on the worrisome thoughts is a tall order sometimes. Especially when you're watching your furry kid suffer. But I know that it's the only way.


And here's the card that I just pulled from the Collette Baron Reid "Wisdom of the Oracle" deck...(it was upside down so it has a specific meaning)


Here's the message...

"Now is the time for a real change in consciousness as you are incited to revolt. Challenge the structures that are limiting authentic progress. It is not enough to rebel in small ways - this is a call to revolution! Focus on what you really want to achieve, regardless of whether it feels so far outside the box that the established order may reject it. Genius, invention, and transformation are rarely comfortable, and less likely to be accepted by the mainstream. It may be time for you to say no to the way of your group, take a stand, and make real changes. It could be that the structure of your inner world is alerting you to the need for a complete overhaul. This is a time for transformation, so let go of the fear of change. Your intuition will lead you through the darkness. There is no turning back now. Trust that light will dawn. Epiphanies will surely lead to miracles."


Well, shoot. I can't say that I am there just yet. I have a lot of work to do. I'm also reminded that this is a repeat performance. Back in 2012, our other dog was diagnosed with osteosarcoma and given 2 months to live (with chemo and amputation). I chose to go the holistic route. And my day to day head spinning and frantic energy was the norm. I was driving myself, and my dog, nuts. Spinning my wheels and getting nowhere fast.....researching like a maniac and throwing remedies and anticancer treatments at her like our lives depended on it, I made her sick. She got so that she wasn't able to keep her food down. All the doctors could do was give her antinausea medicine and that wasn't working. I was terrified and at my wit's end. A friend suggested I contact an animal communicator. I did. She was amazing and was able to pinpoint some major pieces of valid information. But I wanted her to tell me how to help my kid. She basically told me that I needed to meditate and ask my spirit 'beings' for help. WTF? (this was before I knew anything about meditation, spirituality, metaphysics, etc). She told me to sit outside, clear my thoughts, ask for help, and pay attention to my thoughts. So I did it (with a bit of an attitude and a healthy dose of skepticism....but I did it). My question was...should I give her raw goat's milk, should fast her, or should I give her bone broth? Spirit showed me the Whites (a family I'd known growing up) and a barrel of water. I gave up pretty quickly, thinking that neither was the answer to my question, and headed back into the house. And then it dawned on me...."Whites" and "water". White water? Goat's milk? I didn't know for sure but I decided to give her the goat's milk. Within two days, her belly was healed and I was able to reintroduce her food without any problems. That dog went on to live two more years. During that time, I learned to listen to my intuition and to be at peace with whatever the outcome was to be. I surrendered. It wasn't easy but I did and we got through it.


I know that we will get through this, too. I guess I needed to brush up on releasing control. Dammit. (Thank you, Yogi, for showing up to help me on my journey...and thanks for waiting patiently for your breakfast this morning while I wrote this newsletter). Wish me luck, ya'll!


Hopefully this rant helps in some way. Even if it helps you to find gratitude for the good in your life. Sort of like how watching reality television puts things into perspective for me. Haha! Now to go feed the boy and then get ready to be of service today.


Sending love out to all those who need/want it and prayers to those who may be hurting today. May you find peace in your heart and a smile on your face no matter what is happening in your world And if you need a place to go to lift your spirits, I hope you'll stop by sometime

Here's what's happening at Light Works this month...


We've got a lot going on in September! To start things off, we have a couple Reiki classes....

Are you a Reiki Level II practitioner who wants to learn more, and possibly become a Master Teacher? Take your Reiki training to the next level with Usui Ryoho Reiki Level III/Advanced Reiki Training Certification class on September 7th & 8th. This is a two day intensive class where you will learn advanced techniques to enhance Reiki healing. This class is a prerequisite to taking the Reiki Master Teacher course (coming in October!)


Are you a Reiki Level I practitioner ready to take your Reiki Level I training to the next level? We've got Usui Ryoho Reiki Level II Certification class on September 14th. Reiki isn't just a healing modality. It's a lifestyle that promotes self well as physical, emotional, and Spiritual health. Become certified as a Level II practitioner to help others...and yourself!! Are you a massage therapist looking for a class that offers CE credit hours that you can apply towards your license requirements? Receive 6 CE hours when you take this class!


Next, I'll be teaching Meditation with Connect with Spirit! on September 15th. Want to learn how to connect with Spirit? In this class, you'll learn my method of connecting with the angels, spirit guides, and loved ones...and, yes, anyone can do it


Join us on the 21st for a Sound Bath Meditation with Biansa! Allow Ansa to guide you through a world of sound vibration for a deep cellular experience of alignment that will leave you feeling rested and connected! Enjoy the sounds of singing bowls, chimes, gongs, and much more. A Sound Bath can be an unforgettable sound experience for those who seek deep relaxation, rejuvenation, and an acceleration of their inward journey.


Want to learn how to raise your vibration and manifest the life you desire? Joanne Broomer will be offering "Intuitive Self Healing Block Clearing with Jo!" on September 25th. She'll be sharing her tools and experiences to help us to live our best lives. Then we'll participate in a guided meditation to put it into practice!


If you're looking for a way to channel your creative side, look no further! Guest artist, Ann King, will be visiting on September 27th to teach us a new painting technique at "Meditate & Create - Alcohol Ink Art with Ann King!" We'll begin with a short meditation to ask for guidance and inspiration from your Spirit team and then we'll create our own unique masterpieces to take home!


Need a quick message from your angels? Then check out this month's special - Mini Angel Card Email Reading for $35! . See below for more info!


And lastly, we'll be getting together for an exciting day of learning Reiki for animals. Join us on September 28th for Animal Reiki Certification class. This special day will combine classroom learning with hands on experience at a nearby farm. Whether you're interested in learning how to deliver Reiki to your beloved pets, wish to share Reiki with sheltered animals, or want to begin an Aninal Reiki practice....this is a great opportunity to jump right in!


So, these are just a few of the things happening this month at Light Works.


As always, new things are popping up on the Light Works Meetup page . Be sure to join the group to receive announcements. Stay tuned, stay connected, and stay in touch!


Sending lots of healing energy and LOVE to you all...hope to see you soon!


In love & light,


Juli Richardson

Certified Reiki Master Teacher, Psychic Medium, & Animal Communicator

Call 703-926-4499 or email to schedule a reading or healing session for you or someone you love

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