November 2019
Greetings Friends!
As always, I hope this letter finds you happy, healthy, ...and feeling loved
Is it really November already? It feels like I'm still trying to remember to write 2019 on my checks for pete's sake. How is this possible? I guess a lot has happened this year and time flies when we're having fun...or not fun. Maybe it just seems to zip on by when we are armpit deep in life! In any case, I'm definitely not complaining about kissing this year goodbye. 2019 was a challenging year for many and I, for one, am super ready to see what 2020 brings. And for some reason, I weirdly like even numbers. So bring it on. Bring on the chilly weather (which I also like), bring on the holidays (another fave), bring on 2020, and bring on everything wonderful that is coming our way! I'm so stinking stoked.
Okay, okay.....I'm getting ahead of myself a little bit. I got excited for a minute about what the future holds. And while I am feeling positive and super hopeful about what is coming up, we've still got a couple more months to ride out, to reflect on the highs/lows, and to heal.
In a good place with nothing to heal? Sweet!!! It's not for me to tell you what you may or may not be carrying that's weighing you down. That's for you to determine. Hopefully, you're in a good spot right now which is awesome! But if you're having a tough time, or are working on healing old 'stuff', know that you are not alone. I've come to understand that nobody gets to live a purely unblemished life....without bumps and bruises along the way. And every time I think I've done all the healing work that I need to do, along comes that inner voice that calls bulls#!t and I'm faced with yet another life lesson. Isn't that fun? Don't get me wrong. I still think that Life is Good. Great, in fact. Amazing and beautiful and full of magic. I truly do. But I also know that the challenges we face in life are inevitable and chock full of opportunities for growth. So whether you are struggling with pain from long ago, recent grief or heartbreak, personal triggers, stress, anxiety, or depression...there is almost always some sort of healing work to do. It's just a part of that cycle of life here in the physical world - birth, growth through highs/lows, healing, releasing, and rebirth.
Raise your hand if you avoid doing your healing work like the plague. My hand is up. In fact, both hands and a foot are up. And to be honest, I didn't realize how true this was for me until this year. Sure, I knew that I was stubborn and self care was a challenge for me. I knew that I had a tendency to give, give, and give some more until I was absolutely shattered physically and mentally. Spirit has consistently had to take me out of the game when I refused to exercise self care and honor healthy boundaries in my work and personal relationships. I've had forced 'time outs' in the form of back/knee/foot injuries, car trouble, viral infections, and even cancelled appointments. All because I was exhausted and refused to take care of me first. And while I have learned to do better these past couple years, I'm still no expert. But I'm finding that it's much easier to take a day or two off to recharge my batteries than it is to deal with having to reschedule days worth of appointments because I'm laid out flat... or to have to go car shopping (ugh...put a pencil in my eye).
But this year, I really learned a hard (but valuable) lesson in self care and healing. After losing Shiloh (our beloved 11 year old boy) in March, I was absolutely devastated. I know many of you have followed our story so I'll keep the recap brief. I cried many tears, meditated, connected with him in Spirit, journaled, and cried some more. I worked through my emotions and allowed my feelings to be expressed in raw and painful ways. And over the course of a few months, I felt better. I felt like I had healed and I felt like it was time to bring in new fill our home with fur again. So against my husband's better judgement and my internal compass that was screaming "don't do it!", we brought home two beautiful adult pups with the best intentions of giving them lots of love and comfort and a happy life with us. What started as a beautiful dream quickly turned into a horrific nightmare of having to rehome one of them.... and eventually assisting the other's passing. For four months, I gave every ounce of my energy trying to help Yogi to heal. I was determined to help him no matter what the cost. Until it became obvious that his health issues were not fixable. It was the longest, most mentally and physically challenging four months of my life. And probably one of the most heartbreaking experiences I've ever been through. Needless to say, I was beaten down. I was more than bruised. And I didn't realize the extent of the work that I would need to do to fully recover....not only from the experience with Yogi, but also from the loss of Shiloh. And I'm still not done.
You see, I've learned a bunch through my experiences this year - such as how to surrender guilt, that I can't fix everything or everybody, and more layers to the art of letting go. But now I am also recognizing a pattern for me that needs to be addressed. After losing Shiloh, I had an opportunity to really do some necessary healing work. Not only to heal my grieving heart, but to turn my attention back to me and learn how to put my oxygen mask on first. Because for 12 years, I had put our dogs' needs before my own. Shoot, I even put the dogs' needs before my husband's! After Shiloh passed, I was given the opportunity to mend myself, to put myself first, and to give attention back to my relationships. And to fully heal. But instead, I chose to dive right back into caretaker mode. And it backfired. I realize now that, in caring so intensely for this other Soul, I was neglecting my own physical and mental health. And I was also avoiding doing the repair work on myself that was so needed. Recently, I've been reflecting on this and it's become pretty clear that this is a pattern for me. In caring for others (dogs, family, friends...and even clients), I avoid dealing with some of my own crap.
So I've decided to make some changes.
While I still have a sincere, heart singing desire to help others and to be of service, it's important that I also give as much attention to my own needs and healing work. And not to avoid it by throwing myself into work or caring for fur kids or anyone or anything else. That's my plan. Hopefully, I can stick to it.
This morning, I did a quick meditation and I thought I would share a message that I received when I tuned in (which inspired me to write this mess today...):
"Healing. It is a journey to cherish. Not one to be easily discarded or ignored, but one of rediscovery. You must learn to appreciate the light once again, to embrace the beauty that never left...but rather laid dormant through your eyes. Awakening is not for a select few or for the chosen. Awakening takes place each time you are healed. That is the nature of being alive and in human form. So cry your heart out, shake your fists, and release! Soon you will be reborn and you will find love, true love, once more. And I will be walking beside you every step of the way."
It struck me that when we do allow ourselves to fully go through the healing process - to experience hardships, to express our emotions, to release, and to reflect - we always eventually circle back to a place of love. We truly do rediscover our joy and happiness every time. It may take time and it might look a lot like an upside down road map but I believe, like most things, that the reward is always worth the work.
I hope that sharing my crazy story helps in some way. As always, take what resonates and leave the rest.
And yes, I am absolutely still CHOMPING AT THE BIT to adopt a new four legged family member!! But for now, I'm exercising self control. I'm putting my energy back towards me, my connection to Spirit, my marriage, preparing to sell our house, creating new classes for work, and taking time to address the parts of me that need to be looked at and released so that I can be reborn again.
Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving! I am truly grateful for each and every one of you. Thanks for your support and love....and for being part of my journey.
Sending love out to all those who need/want it and prayers to those who may be hurting today. May you find peace in your heart and a smile on your face no matter what is happening in your world And if you need a place to go to lift your spirits, I hope you'll stop by sometime
Here's what's happening at Light Works this month...
To kick things off, guest artist Ann King will be visiting on November 15th to teach us a new painting technique at "Meditate & Create - Alcohol Ink Art with Ann King!" If you're looking for a way to channel your creative side, look no further! We'll begin with a short meditation to ask for guidance and inspiration from your Spirit team and then we'll create our own unique masterpieces to take home!
Next, I'll be teaching Meditation with Connect with Spirit! on November 22nd. Want to learn how to connect with Spirit? In this class, you'll learn my method of connecting with the angels, spirit guides, and loved ones...and, yes, anyone can do it
Need a quick message from your angels? Then check out this month's special - Mini Angel Card Email Reading for $35! . See below for more info!
And lastly, on November, 26th I'll be delivering messages in a gallery style event at "Love & Hugs from Heaven" Mediumship Demonstration with Juli! Come out and receive loving messages from Angels, guides, and loved ones on the other side! This is a great opportunity to witness how Spirit works with me to share messages of healing, guidance, and love. Those in the Spirit world are always around and want to help us to heal, to feel loved & supported as we navigate our way through life in the physical world. A mediumship gallery is a wonderful way to experience this beautiful connection.
Also, you don't want to miss the Light Work's 4th Annual Holiday Party on December 7th. So mark your calendars! Come out and enjoy some food, drink, and some holiday cheer at Old Town Sports Pub in Manassas. There will also be door prizes and White Elephant gift exchange. Click here for more details and to RSVP. Hope to see you there!
So, these are just a few of the things happening this month at Light Works.
As always, new things are popping up on the Light Works Meetup page . Be sure to join the group to receive announcements. Stay tuned, stay connected, and stay in touch!
Sending lots of healing energy and LOVE to you all...hope to see you soon!
In love & light,
Juli Richardson
Certified Reiki Master Teacher, Psychic Medium, & Animal Communicator
Call 703-926-4499 or email to schedule a reading or healing session for you or someone you love