May 2019
Greetings Friends!
As always, I hope this letter finds you happy, healthy, feeling loved...and CONNECTED!
Happy Spring everybody!! I hope you all are finding ways to enjoy the warmer temperatures and nature's wonderful botanical season show. I've been trying to spend extra time outside, enjoying the breezy weather, admiring the greenery and reawakening flowers, and soaking up all of the sun I can before we turn the corner and find ourselves drenched in the sweaty sauna of summer (gross). My outdoor time isn't super adventurous...nor does it require too much physical exertion. I simply enjoy walking the trails near my house. I feel at home there and it's one of the places I truly am at peace....with myself, with the world, and with Spirit.
Maybe because I love the trees and the animals and the water, they love me back. Or maybe I just happen to be strolling through their magical home and am experiencing that loving energy by simply immersing myself in it. Either way, it feeds my Soul. I try to give back to nature by offering Reiki to the woods and the creatures that live there. And yes, I talk to trees. Not all of them....just my favorites. Weird? Probably. Do I care? No. Well maybe. When a jogger comes flying up out of nowhere and catches me off guard, it can be a bit awkward. But I do it anyway.
Last month, I shared with you a few of the signs that I received after our dog's passing. And since then, the nature signs have kicked up a few notches and I figured it might be fun to talk about signs & symbols this month
Lately I've experienced what can only be described as a Disney-esque following of birds, butterflies, deer, squirrels, turtles, snake, and even bugs. It's almost too wild to believe. The butterflies dance around my head (no joke) as I walk the trail. The squirrels dart back and forth across the path and jump from tree to tree above me. The turtles are out, laying on the wood plank, sunbathing with their babies. A water snake sashayed across the path, making it's way back into it's river home. Pairs of cardinals and robins fly about and then rest on a rock or tree and watch me as I walk by. These small green beetle bugs land in front of my feet, hop up and land in front of my next step...following me the entire way through the woods. An owl flew in circles above me and then a blue heron whizzed past. And in the past two days, on two separate occasions, a single young deer (not single as in unwed, but single as in solitary) stood in my path long enough for us to have a short conversation. The first one stood 20 feet away and allowed me to send it Reiki before it ran off. The second one actually walked towards me and we talked for a few minutes before it went back to snacking on whatever deer snack on.
Now sure, these animal encounters could all be explained away pretty easily. I'm in the woods after all, right? What do I expect to see in the woods? A Starbucks and a Metro station? But I have walked these trails soooooo many times and most days I am lucky to see a couple random squirrels and some ants...maybe an occasional butterfly or family of deer (that always bolt out of sight as soon as they hear me approaching). And I've never seen a snake. And I've never seen two lone deer, in two days, in two different places....stand so close to me and entertain my conversational advances. So these sightings of late, along with the animals' odd behaviors, are pretty unusual. And that's awesome because I know when these things happen, they are signs from Spirit. Nature signs!
How do I know?
Well for starters, I know that our loved ones in Spirit are around us all the time. I know this because, as a practicing evidential medium, I communicate with them regularly. Often times, during a reading, they will mention the ways in which they are reaching out and giving signs to validate things that we have been experiencing, including signs they're giving us. They send us signs to let us know that they are still with us, that they are okay, and to help us heal. So I know that Spirit is working hard to give us signs and the odd animal behavior is just one of the ways they give them.
These signs and symbols can range from a subtle thought to a physical sensation to a very obvious synchronicity. Spirit works with our energy and the energetic properties of thought, nature, sounds, electronics, and sensations. Often times, they are working very hard to get our attention or to have us focus our attention on an object or something that they know we will relate to them.
Here are some common signs & symbols from Spirit:
Dreams/Visitations – When our loved ones appear in our dreams, and the dream is extremely vivid (it feels ‘real’;), we call them visitations. They are coming in to your awareness while your conscious mind sleeps. Sometimes they speak to us…sometimes they simply show up to help you to feel close to them. One way to help you remember and keep track of these dreams is to keep a dream journal next to your bed.
Repeating Numbers – Spirit will bring our attention to repeating numbers, such as 111 or 555 when they know we will take them as a sign from them. You might find yourself looking at the clock at 11:11 or 1:11 during the day. Or perhaps you see 4's everywhere and consistently look at your phone at the exact moment your battery is at 44%. Repeating numbers can appear just about anywhere (receipts, addresses, license plates) and the numbers that you see may correspond to something significant in your life or in theirs – such as birthdays, date of death, favorite number, or a lucky number.
Physical Sensations – This could come as a feeling that someone is actually touching you (as if someone is tapping your shoulder, kissing your face, or lying next to you) OR it could be more like a tingling sensation (the chills or goosebumps). Chills for me is like a high five from the other side! You may even experience temperature changes when they are trying to get your attention.
Scents/Smells - Ever smell perfume, flowers, or cigarette smoke when there is no logical explanation for the scent? It could be that your loved ones are pushing a fragrant energy that reminds you of them to let you know that they are there!
Sounds/Voices - Some people have reported to hear their loved one’s voice calling their name. I don’t think that's very common, but it does happen. More often, people will hear a ringing in their ear or hear a sound, or have a sudden thought, that is related to their loved one (such as hearing a motorcycle or coughing). Also, Spirit might bring your awareness to other people’s conversation nearby. Perhaps they are repeatedly saying your loved one’s name or talking about something related to them.
Finding Small Objects - These are usually a fun way for Spirit to get your attention! They might leave pennies, coins, buttons, or other small objects where you will likely find them. You may begin to notice heart shaped rocks, tiny feathers, or other unusual objects in strange places.
Moved Objects - Spirit has the ability to move objects (remember it’s all energy) so you may find that a picture or other knick-knack keeps getting knocked over, with no reasonable explanation for doing so. You notice wall hangings tilted after you’ve adjusted them time and again. Some Spirits have claimed responsibility for hiding ‘lost’ items!
Actual Signs - You might suddenly find yourself drawn to a particular street sign, store sign, license plate, or vehicle/truck signage…..only to see the name of your loved one or a word or phrase that you relate to them! These are wonderful signs as they leave very little to interpretation. These signs are pretty straightforward!
Animals/Nature – Spirits will often use the energy of animal world (such as a butterfly, bird, ladybug, dragonfly, or other creature) for a very short amount of time to get our attention. If an animal does something out of the ordinary - like land in front of or on you, stare at you through a window, or show up in swarms - this could be a sign. Keep an eye out for bluebirds, jays, and cardinals…as colorful birds are typically used (willingly!) because they are easily noticed. I tend to notice cardinals when my grandparents are trying to get my attention....and the butterflies are definitely my dogs!
Electronics - We are all made up of energy and energy runs through all things, including, and especially, electrical devices. For those on the other side, not only is it fun to learn how to use energy to connect with us, many of them learn that the energy in electrical devices is quite easy to manipulate. You may experience any number of malfunctions or unusual activity with your small appliances, televisions, lights, computers, and phones. Phone calls from your loved one’s old phone number, flickering lights, televisions turning on or off, and appliances switching settings are just a few examples of how Spirit can give us a “hello” from Heaven by messing around with electronics. Music is another wonderful way (and probably my favorite) for Spirit to let us know that they’re around. When you hear a song that reminds you of them, particularly when it’s a song that wouldn’t normally be played on the radio station you’re listening to, it’s likely them! I’ve found that I’ll hear my special songs (those that are connected to my loved ones) while I’m shopping at the grocery store or on a commercial on tv. Also, trust that when you find those tunes playing over and over in your head, that is also them trying to get your attention!
Signs may be from your loved ones in Spirit. Or they might be from your Spirit team of guides and angels. Trust that your interpretations of the signs, or your thoughts about who you believe is sending them, are likely spot on. As we receive signs, we also receive intuitive signals about them!
Not seeing or noticing signs?
Signs are often missed when we are in a heightened state of emotion (grief)…or if we are expecting a specific sign and not noticing ones that are being given. That happens a lot. But the good news is that our loved ones never stop sending them. So if you’re having trouble noticing signs from them, have patience. When you are open to signs, and the various ways in which Spirit may send them to you, you will begin to notice them. And once you do, you’ll find that the signs can become a very regular part of your life…a beautiful way for you to feel connected to your loved ones in spirit.
Sending love out to all those who need/want it and prayers to those who may be hurting today. May you find peace in your heart and a smile on your face no matter what is happening in your world. And if you need a place to go to lift your spirits, I hope you'll stop by sometime
Here's what's happening at Light Works this month...
Have you been thinking about learning Reiki? We've got Usui Ryoho Reiki Level I Certification class coming up on February 9th/16th . Whether you're interested in learning how to give Reiki to yourself, wish to share Reiki with friends & family, or want to begin a Reiki practice....this is the perfect opportunity to jump right in! Looking for a class that offers CE credit hours that you can apply towards your massage therapy license requirements? Receive 10 CE hours when you take this class!
Join us on the 15th for a Sound Bath Meditation with Biansa! Allow Ansa to guide you through a world of sound vibration for a deep cellular experience of alignment that will leave you feeling rested and connected! Enjoy the sounds of singing bowls, chimes, gongs, and much more. A Sound Bath can be an unforgettable sound experience for those who seek deep relaxation, rejuvenation, and an acceleration of their inward journey.
This month's special is all about your furry, feathered, scaly, and fishy friends. Did you know that Animal Communication and Animal Reiki can be done remotely? In fact, often times it is easier for the pet to receive energetic healing, or to communicate with me, from a distance. Without all of the distractions of having a visitor or being in a strange place, animals are sometimes better able to focus on the energetic/psychic connection this way. If you have a pet that you would like to treat to an Animal Communication and Reiki session, take advantage of this month's special - Animal Communication & Animal Reiki Session Combo for $100 ($50 savings!) . For more information and instructions, see below.
Next, I'll be teaching Meditation with Connect with Spirit! on May 19th. Want to learn how to connect with Spirit? In this class, you'll learn my method of connecting with the angels, spirit guides, and loved ones...and, yes, anyone can do it
And finally, I'll be joining angel messenger, Beth 'B' Carleton, on May 25th for an afternoon of channeled messages at "Voices of Spirit - Message Gallery featuring Juli & B!". Come out and witness the amazing connections and loving messages from Angels, guides, and loved ones on the other side! Those in the Spirit world are always around and want to help us to heal, to feel loved & supported as we navigate our way through life in the physical world. A message gallery is a wonderful way to experience this beautiful connection...hope you'll join us!
So, these are just a few of the things happening this month at Light Works.
As always, new things are popping up on the Light Works Meetup page . Be sure to join the group to receive announcements. Stay tuned, stay connected, and stay in touch!
Sending lots of healing energy and LOVE to you all...hope to see you soon!
In love & light,
Juli Richardson
Certified Reiki Master Teacher, Psychic Medium, & Animal Communicator
Call 703-926-4499 or email to schedule a reading or healing session for you or someone you love