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Having Fun


June 2018


Greetings Friends!

As always, I hope this letter finds you happy, healthy, feeling loved...and having FUN!

Hello and happy June! I hope that you all are enjoying the warmer weather and getting geared up for the summer months. For many, this month is all about the pools opening, vacations starting, kids home from school, and a time for planning lots of fun activities. So far this year, it seems like it's been all about rain...and lots of flooding. At least around these parts. To be honest, I'm cool with the soothes my Soul and sets the tone for some awesome napping. And it won't be long before it's 100 degrees out and 150% humidity and we'll all be praying for snow again. But I digress....

Back to the fun stuff! What fun stuff, you ask? Well, to be honest...I'm not even sure. In fact, sometimes it's hard to put my finger on what "having fun" really means. I mean, in theory, I get it. Engaging in "fun" activities = having fun....right? Sure. Seems like a simple enough concept. And I think that I'm pretty good at having fun....I like to laugh, be silly, and work can be a lot of fun.

So, why is it that I find that lately so many people (including yours truly) are getting messages from Spirit about having fun? Seriously. If I had a nickel for every time this blasted card gets pulled....

(From the John Holland "Talking with Spirit" deck)

Okay, so it's a bright and happy card and has pretty colored bubbles. But for some reason, I always cringe when I pull this card for myself. Why? Well, because it implies that I'm not having enough fun. And then I feel pressured to make an effort to plan something fun to do or to visit a fun place. It doesn't take long to become exhausted just thinking about it all. And then I start to wonder if my husband is right about me being ...B-O-R-I-N-G

Okay, so maybe I don't like to party my face off anymore. While I loved that chapter in my life, for all of the shenanigans and crazy experiences I had, I can't say that I miss the hangovers and insane bar tabs. That kind of fun no longer appeals to me. I am not interested in conquering white water rapids, going skiing, or playing soccer five nights a week anymore either. Sure, I had a blast doing those things for years...and am grateful for the memories. But my idea of fun has definitely shifted over the years! Now, a fun night is to get takeout and watch a movie that makes me laugh so hard I cry. I know...I know. Boring. But it's fun for me!

Clearly, Spirit thinks that I'm not doing enough. Sigh.

What's the big deal anyway? Why is having fun so daggone important? I derive a tremendous amount of joy from doing the work that I do, connecting with (and for) so many amazing people and animals, sharing love, and teaching. They say when you love what you do, you never work a day in your life. So, why can't that be my FUN?

Then it dawned on me. It may not feel like work. But what I do every day, whether it's seeing clients or updating Meetup and Facebook or teaching or designing still work. Fun work? Yes. But it's still work that requires my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy. Work, no matter how great it still draining. It can take it's toll physically, mentally, and energetically. This can leave me feeling like I'm running on empty... fatigued, worn out, and sometimes even irritable.

And that's where the FUN comes in!

Having fun actually helps to counter the affects of stress by reducing cortisol levels and increasing serotonin levels. Engaging in fun activities also helps regulate healthy sleeping patterns and boosts energy - even when the activities are chill! Just hanging out, relaxing with good friends and conversation can help increase energy levels. And the more you have fun, the better equipped you are to handle stressful times when they do come. So by having fun, we are actually refilling our empty tanks AND filling up the reserves. Pretty cool.

And if you were curious about what else that card has to it is:

"Have Fun - Stop! When was the last time you had fun? When was the last time you took a chance and did something silly - something totally unlike you, something just for the joy of it? It's long overdue for your to let go of your analytical mind and give yourself and your soul permission to have fun! We all have the need to play and leave the 'adult responsibilities' behind for a little while. Step away from your desk or what you're doing, and release your inhibitions. Feel free to shout and laugh or jump in the air, and feel the connection with your inner child again. By placing this card in your hand, Spirit is letting your know that you must engage in more hobbies and activities that are purely centered on having fun. If you've always wanted to learn to sing, dance, or play a new sport - then it's time. Maybe you've been drawn to the stage to act or wanted to try comedy; this is the ideal moment to Go For It! You are a physical being as well as a spiritual being, so having fun will balance 'all' of you. Have fun - you so deserve it!"

So why is it so hard for some of us to make time for this stuff? Well, I can't speak for everyone else but I can guess where my resistance comes from. As a kid, it was ingrained in us that we must always finish our work before we could play. Household chores and homework had to be completely done before we could go see our friends or play games in the neighborhood....or even watch our favorite shows on TV. Fun was the reward for hard work. Similarly, we were required to eat everything on our dinner plates before we could have dessert. It was a reward system that sort of worked.....if you wanted to leave the house, watch TV, or have dessert. Not a great system if you didn't care about such things (like my brother).

Sometimes I need to remind myself that I am an adult now! I can choose my own reward system. If I want to have fun before I finish my ever growing and never ending "To Do" list, why not??? Shoot, I've learned how to eat my dessert before dinner when I feel like it (no problem there!). Funny how easy that was. Perhaps I need to take the same approach with making more time for things that I love to do (besides work)...

Who says we have to wait 'til Friday or 'til we retire or 'til the dishes are done or 'til the cows come home? Only us! We create our rules about how we spend our time so maybe it's time we make a concerted effort to dedicate plenty of time for people, places, and experiences that make us happy.

Already got this technique down pat? Cheers to you!! Next time I see you, I'll be asking you for tips And for those of you who struggle like me....I hope you can take some time today for yourself. As soon as I finish this newsletter, I think I'm going to turn on my music, sing like I'm auditioning for The Voice, and shake - my - booty. It's going to be like Soul my kitchen. It might not be pretty, but it will definitely be FUN

Sending love out to all those who need/want it and prayers to those who may be hurting today. May you find peace in your heart and a smile on your face no matter what is happening in your world. And if you need a place to go to lift your spirits, I hope you'll stop by sometime

Here's what's happening at Light Works this month...

To kick things off, we'll be getting together on June 13th for Movie Night! to watch...."Discover the Gift" . If you're looking to unlock your full potential by tapping into your unique gifts, you won't want to miss this film! Come hang out with me and other like minded folks for a chill night at the movies ...popcorn provided

Have you been thinking about learning Reiki? We've got Usui Ryoho Reiki Level I Certification class coming up on June 16th/23rd . Whether you're interested in learning how to give Reiki to yourself, wish to share Reiki with friends & family, or want to begin a Reiki practice....this is the perfect opportunity to jump right in! Looking for a class that offers CE credit hours that you can apply towards your massage therapy license requirements? Receive 10 CE hours when you take this class!

Next, I'll be teaching Meditation with Connect with Spirit! on June 17th. Want to learn how to connect with Spirit? In this class, you'll learn my method of connecting with the angels, spirit guides, and loved ones...and, yes, anyone can do it

On June 18th, join Joyce Hughes, for Essential Oils Make & Take Gifts - Roll Ons & Inhalers! Using the rollers and inhalers are great ways to enjoy the healing benefits of essential oils. Make a few for you and make a few to give away! Joyce will be focusing on oil blends that promote "Harmony & Gratitude".

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to talk to animals? Well, here's your chance to learn how. We'll be getting together on June 19th for "Let's Play" - Animal Communication! Our pets are tuning into our energy all the time and would love for us to understand what they have to say. It's easier than you may think!

On June 21st, it's "Creative Meditation - Angel Inspiration Paint Night!". Come join us for a fun night of creativity and community. We'll begin with a guided meditation to set our intention to connect with the angels to receive inspiration for your mini masterpiece! I'll provide the canvas, paints, & brushes - you bring your sense of artistic adventure. Perfect for everyone...if you can hold a brush, you can paint!

Fellow Angel Messenger, Beth 'B' Carleton, will be joining us on June 24th for "Fun With The Fairies Day!". Experience a joy-filled day connecting with the fairies. We will CELEBRATE and MEDITATE with these wonderful light-filled nature angels. ...hope you'll join us!

This month's special is all about your furry, feathered, scaly, and fishy friends. Did you know that Animal Communication and Animal Reiki can be done remotely? In fact, often times it is easier for the pet to receive energetic healing, or to communicate with me, from a distance. Without all of the distractions of having a visitor or being in a strange place, animals are sometimes better able to focus on the energetic/psychic connection this way. If you have a pet that you would like to treat to an Animal Communication and Reiki session, take advantage of this month's special - Animal Communication & Animal Reiki Session Combo for $100 ($50 savings!) . For more information and instructions, see below.

And lastly, we'll be closing out the month with the "Love & Hugs from Heaven" Mediumship Demonstration with Juli on June 27th. I'll be delivering messages in a gallery style event. Come out and receive loving messages from Angels, guides, and loved ones on the other side! This is a great opportunity to witness how Spirit works with me to share messages of healing, guidance, and love. Those in the Spirit world are always around and want to help us to heal, to feel loved & supported as we navigate our way through life in the physical world. A mediumship gallery is a wonderful way to experience this beautiful connection.

So, these are just a few of the things happening this month at Light Works.

As always, new things are popping up on the Light Works Meetup page . Be sure to join the group to receive announcements. Stay tuned, stay connected, and stay in touch!

Sending lots of healing energy and LOVE to you all...hope to see you soon!

In love & light,

Juli <3

Juli Richardson

Certified Reiki Master Teacher, Psychic Medium, & Animal Communicator

Call 703-926-4499 or email to schedule a reading or healing session for you or someone you love

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Our location is conveniently located in Northern Virginia, near 66. Old Town Manassas is a short drive from Gainesville, Bristow, Fairfax, Warrenton, Vienna, Arlington, Centreville, Burke, Springfield, Woodbridge, and Dale City. We also offer distance healing and phone readings. Please contact me for more information. Thanks!
DISCLAIMER: Information you receive from any and all services, communication or consultations with Light Works is for personal purposes only and is not intended to, nor should it ever, take the place of any medical, legal, financial, traditional psychological, or other professional advice. Light Works will not accept responsibility for any decisions made or actions taken by anyone based upon services, consultations or communications received. The choices you make and the actions you take are solely your responsibility. You agree to completely hold blameless and absolutely indemnify Light Works or any persons associated with Light Works, from any and all liabilities and expenses.  
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