September 2019
Greetings Friends!
As always, I hope this letter finds you happy, healthy, feeling loved, and enjoying the long weekend!
So, I have to tell you....
Today I sat down to start working on this month's newsletter and I thought, "What on earth am I going to write about?" I haven't been in reflection mode for some time. It's been another crazy busy month and this past week was bananas! Yes, I am grateful that I get to do work that I LOVE....but you know how you feel when you need a vacation after you get back from vacation? It's like that. So, my energy is a bit tapped out and I just haven't had much time to ponder life...or think about interesting things to write about. And when I do have a free second to think about stuff, I find myself thinking an awful lot about my ever growing plate of To Do's - prepping for classes, getting through the 3 books I started last month, finishing up the Connected Kids training, and a bazillion other things I need to get done. Not to mention the mountains of laundry growing downstairs. It's starting to look like a small bungalow community in our basement and I'm praying nothing has taken up residence.
Sometimes I get so overwhelmed that I don't even know where to begin. Think I could use a mindfulness intervention? Pretty sure the answer is yes.
As I said, I really do love my work. And I'm really not complaining. I just haven't much time to sit and ponder. So when I sat down this morning I had no idea what I wanted to write about. Then I realized that maybe some of you may be feeling a little overwhelmed, too. With the summer coming to a close, kids returning to school, and whatever else you got going on....I imagine that some of you are in the same boat as me. So, I decided to pull a card for some guidance and maybe a little inspiration. Here's what came up....."CHOP WOOD".
(from Colette Baron Reid's "Wisdom of the Oracle" deck)
At first glance, it might seem like a silly thing to write about since that's one thing I don't have to worry about (Paul LOVES his chainsaw). But this card is a great reminder for me in that when things start piling up, I need to chill out, get grounded, focus on stuff I've been neglecting, and take things one step at a time so I can get things done. Here's what the card says:
Essential Meanings
Being grounded in everyday experience; humility
The Oracle's Message
There are times when the big dream is meant to lie dormant in your consciousness so that you can pay attention to the simple chores in your life. Consider why pruning a tree is the forerunner of delighting in the beautiful blooms when it is in full blossom. The mundane act of pulling off dead leaves, watering the soil, and then leaving it to be to let nature take its course is an important step in manifestation. Taking your attention away from your goal brings you into a state of receptivity. This is the deeper purpose for releasing attachment. When you engage in everyday tasks in a meditative, contemplative way, you clear your energy to receive your 'Aha!' moments, which brings you ever closer to what you seek.
Prosperity Message
Now is the time to take small steps, rather than larger leaps, on the journey to creating your most prosperous life. Move your focus off your big dream and attend to the mundane chores. Focus on the little things that may have piled up while you've been mapping out the greater plan for the life you aspire to see manifest into reality. "Chop wood, carry water," as the Zen proverb advises - or wash dishes, walk the dog...While you're doing all that, Spirit will have a chance to move mountains and set wondrous miracles in motion for you. Remain humble and aware of the present.
What a perfect reminder. In order to achieve what we want, it takes work. And after we achieve what we want, we need to continue to do work to maintain what we've accomplished....and to move towards our next goal. Life is a series of working towards this or that. But in order to keep up, it is also important to stop and work on ourselves and take care of the small things. So, for's time to buckle down and get on my meditation train, read some of those books, and maybe do a load of laundry or two (as soon as I finish up this newsletter!). And then I'll be in a good place to pick back up where I left off.
Hopefully, you have some fun plans for the weekend....or are enjoying some much needed time off from work. And if you're armpit deep in work like I've been, I hope you will find (make) time soon to catch up on whatever you need to catch up on.
One last thought....
Anyone else find it interesting that I pulled the Chop Wood card on Labor Day weekend? Spirit makes me laugh. Well played, Team. Well played.
Sending love out to all those who need/want it and prayers to those who may be hurting today. May you find peace in your heart and a smile on your face no matter what is happening in your world. And if you need a place to go to lift your spirits, I hope you'll stop by sometime
Here's what's happening at Light Works this month...
Come join the block party in Old Town Manassas to celebrate 1st Friday on September 7th. Enjoy great food, live music, and local vendors after a long hard week!! Light Works will be open to the public so pop in to say hello! Juli will be in to show you around and to answer questions. There may even be cookies
Are you a Reiki Level II practitioner who wants to learn more, and possibly become a Master Teacher? Take your Reiki training to the next level with Usui Ryoho Reiki Level III/Advanced Reiki Training Certification class on September 9th. This is a one day intensive class where you will learn advanced techniques to enhance Reiki healing. This class is a prerequisite to taking the Reiki Master Teacher course (coming in December!)
On September 12th, we'll be getting together for Movie Night! to watch...."iGod" . iGod traces how the various belief systems about God have evolved into what exists in the present day, and then delves into the many questions about God that so many people have asked throughout history. Perhaps through this exploration we can finally begin to understand what God really is, what God wants, why we are here and how we can create a better world both for ourselves and future generations. Come hang out with me and other like minded folks for a chill night at the movies ...popcorn provided
Take your Reiki Level I training to the next level with Usui Ryoho Reiki Level II Certification class on September 15th. Reiki isn't just a healing modality. It's a lifestyle that promotes self well as physical, emotional, and Spiritual health. Become certified as a Level II practitioner to help others...and yourself!! Are you a massage therapist looking for a class that offers CE credit hours that you can apply towards your license requirements? Receive 6 CE hours when you take this class!
Next, I'll be teaching Meditation with Connect with Spirit! on September 16th. Want to learn how to connect with Spirit? In this class, you'll learn my method of connecting with the angels, spirit guides, and loved ones...and, yes, anyone can do it
Need a quick message from your angels & guides? Then check out month's special - Life Path Readings - 30 minute phone sessions for $55 . See below for more info!
On September 20th, I'll be delivering messages in a gallery style event at "Love & Hugs from Heaven" Mediumship Demonstration with Juli! Come out and receive loving messages from Angels, guides, and loved ones on the other side! This is a great opportunity to witness how Spirit works with me to share messages of healing, guidance, and love. Those in the Spirit world are always around and want to help us to heal, to feel loved & supported as we navigate our way through life in the physical world. A mediumship gallery is a wonderful way to experience this beautiful connection.
And lastly, on September 22nd, we have a special guest joining us for a Sound Bath Meditation with Biansa! A Sound Bath can be an unforgettable sound experience for those who seek deep relaxation, rejuvenation, and an acceleration of their inward journey. Allow Ansa to guide you through a world of sound vibration for a deep cellular experience of alignment that will leave you feeling rested and connected!
As always, new things are popping up on the Light Works Meetup page . Be sure to join the group to receive announcements. Stay tuned, stay connected, and stay in touch!
Sending lots of healing energy and LOVE to you all...hope to see you soon!
In love & light,
Juli Richardson
Certified Reiki Master Teacher, Psychic Medium, & Animal Communicator
Call 703-926-4499 or email to schedule a reading or healing session for you or someone you love