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Being in the Flow


October 2018

Greetings Friends!


As always, I hope this letter finds you happy, healthy, feeling loved...and in the FLOW!


Not sure about you guys, but I am soooooo ready for those crisp Fall mornings and fire pit evenings. So is my dog. My sweatshirts are on standby and I'm pretty much over our summer time electric bill.


(Seriously, October? have two jobs, chilly temps and Halloween. Not to mention, you really only have to step it up once a year. Soooo let's get cracking, shall we?)


Do I seem a little impatient?


Yea, okay. I know. I can be a bit tenacious. But, I like to get things done and I tend to push others (including the month of October apparently) to do the same. I'm a worker, a do-er, a forge right through-er. I stick to a project until it's finished and have a hard time relaxing until it's done. And yes, I'm a Taurus. And while this trait has served me well in many ways over the years, it is also one of my greatest challenges. It makes it hard for me to be in the 'flow'.


What does being in the flow mean?

"In positive psychology, flow, also known colloquially as being in the zone, is the mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, flow is characterized by complete absorption in what one does, and a resulting loss in one's sense of space and time" (Wikipedia).


However, we often talk about being in flow with the Universe. I love this passage from an article called, "Attuning to the Flow of the Universe", by Fiona Reilly:


"Do you feel the support of the Universe and guidance in your daily life? Are you aware of the energy field that is moving and continually creating around you? There is a natural flow of energy that moves through all things. It creates and shapes the current moment. You are a significant part of this flow and an intricate part of life’s web that is perpetually being woven.


The Universe continually invites and supports us in aligning with this Divine Dance. We are a necessary part of this interplay. When we pay attention and attune to this rightness, then remarkable miracles occur in our lives! It is not always easy or straightforward. Sometimes the flow may take us into challenges, so that we can unravel distortions and let go of that which no longer serves us and at times we don’t align with what is right for various reasons such as fear, past experiences or conditioning. Our world at this time can be a dense and complex place and we are likely to resist and get lost on occasions. The wonderful thing about the flow, is that it is always there waiting for us, we simply need to tune back to it again."


Some people are great at being in flow with the life in the moment, making choices based on intuition and feelings, and getting into that creative zone. Not me. I mean I can be. I am in the flow a lot - in the zone, feeling connected with Spirit, understanding where I need to be, doing what I feel called to do - and life feels pretty easy. But there are plenty of times in life where I fail to listen and I try to take the wheel and, as a result, hit my fair share of potholes.


In taking on projects, making plans, or committing to stuff, I often say "YES" first and listen to my intuition later. Sometimes it works out fine. But many times, I find myself plowing through a situation that I clearly was not meant to plow through...and I end up really struggling. When I fail to listen to my gut when it tells me "say NO", I am no longer in the flow. And my energy begins to feel as if I am rowing upstream without a paddle.


A few weeks ago, I learned (another) hard lesson about being in the flow and how important it is to honor my inner voice. My Dad was experiencing excruciating pain and had called 911. He's had several heart attacks, a quadruple bypass, and several stints installed. So when he says he's having pain, we jump. While he's waiting for the ambulance, he calls to say he needs me to come get my Mom. Of course I say yes. She has mobility issues, doesn't drive, requires 24/7 full time care, and relies on my father for everything (including medications and insulin). But something didn't feel right. As I drove to get her, I felt a surge of anxiety and a heaviness that I couldn't describe. And I remember thinking...."What would happen if I wasn't here? What if I was out of town?" I'm the only sibling in the area. Thankfully, my Dad wasn't having a heart attack. But he was screaming in pain so he needed to stay in the hospital overnight. After getting all of my Mom's medicinal instructions, we left the hospital, swung by their house, packed her bags, and headed back to our house. I won't go into all of the dirty details but let's just say it was a 'crappy' couple days. Mom was ill (from the stress). The dog was ill (from the stress). No sleep, rescheduling client appointments, canceling workshops, no time to eat. But I kept pushing through. I mean...that's what you're supposed to do, right? The entire time, I felt off. I have cared for her before. I have cared for my grandparents. I have cared for my dog with cancer. It wasn't easy, but it always felt like I was where I should be. But this time was different. Although I couldn't see any alternative, my mind and my body were telling me that this was too much...even for a strong, able bodied soldier like me. I remember thinking, "What's wrong with me? I can do this. I'm the oldest. It only makes sense that I handle this." But yet I felt this wasn't something I was supposed to be doing. But who then??? They can't afford in home care. My brothers and my sister are hundreds of miles away.


By the time my Dad was discharged and I taxi'd my Mom back home, I was depleted. Physically, emotionally, spiritually. I ended up needing to take a few more days off just to recover. The best way to describe what I was feeling is that... it was if I had been TASERED. I was buzzing. But not in a good way. I felt sick and jittery. Then I got the phone call. Dad said he was heading back to the hospital. I cannot explain the tremendous amount of worry, guilt, and fear I felt in that moment. It took every ounce of courage to say, "Dad, I don't think I can help today". I didn't want him to think that I didn't care or that I didn't want to help. But I was faced with a choice in that moment....honor my feelings or risk ending up in a hospital bed next to his. You can imagine my relief when he said, "No worries. It's not as bad as before. I can drive myself and I'll take your Mom with me." Later that day, I apologized and tried to explain why I said what I said. He said, "You always try to fix everything. You don't have to do that." I thought..."But if not me, then who???" But then it clicked. I'm not the one in control. If I wasn't home or was unable to help, the situation would play out exactly as it was supposed to play out. I can't say for sure what would have happened if I hadn't stepped up to care for my Mom. And I'm still not sure what I would do if I could go back in time and make the choice again. But I trust that the Universe is working behind the scenes and it's not up to me to save the day or to fix their situation each time just because I am the oldest and because I live the closest. To be clear - I wanted to help. I also felt obligated to help. But more importantly, I felt like I ignored my intuitive nudges and then suffered as a result. How can I be of help if I am laid out flat?


In that moment, I was also reminded of a message I received from God a couple years ago after my Dad had his last heart attack. I was in worry mode, quickly depleting my energy, trying to find affordable care for my Mom. During a group meditation, I asked for help and was told (short version)..."Step away from the situation. This is not your burden to carry. Help where you can. Help is on it's way. Send love, not worry." I remember thinking, "That sure was self serving" and I doubted my messages. It felt like I had just given myself a free pass from my family responsibilities. But then a fellow medium (who knew nothing about my Dad or his health condition) delivered the exact same message to me...almost verbatim. Okay, fine. Sometimes I need to hear it twice (did I mention I'm a Taurus?!). But once I did what I was told, and got back into the flow with the Universe, everything fixed itself. I'll spare you the longer story, but things got better very quickly.


Listening to our intuition takes a tremendous amount of trust. Especially when we are in a heightened state of emotion and when we're worried about how our choices impact others. For many of us, it is hard to put ourselves and our needs before others. If I'm honoring my feelings, will it be at someone else's expense? And is that wrong? Not if we are being honest with ourselves and our motives. Being in the flow doesn't mean that we succumb to laziness or avoid difficult situations because it's the easy way out. Being in the flow means that we make choices to do difficult things, too....but only when it feels right to do so.


So lately, I've been trying hard to listen to that voice (in my head and in my gut) and to honor my feelings....and trusting that when I do, I am in the flow and on the right track. It's not easy! I have to make a very conscious decision to put the brakes on when my first inclination to plow through things. Then I have to take a moment to listen. This requires me to sit and ask myself questions such as, "How do I feel about what I'm doing?", "What do I really want to do?", and "Does this really feel right for me?" In this way, I am tuning back into the flow, matching my energy and purpose with that of the Universe. Or my higher self. Or the Divine Order of things. Or whatever we want to call it.


I'm also learning that it's really about releasing control and waving my white flag and knowing that my feelings are often Spirit's way of pointing me in the right direction. I just need to pay attention - especially when life get crazy - and stay in the flow.


So October, take your time. I'm good. I have plenty of t-shirts and I trust that you're bringing the heat for a reason. Maybe November will take care of business


Sending love out to all those who need/want it and prayers to those who may be hurting today. May you find peace in your heart and a smile on your face no matter what is happening in your world. And if you need a place to go to lift your spirits, I hope you'll stop by sometime


Here's what's happening at Light Works this month...


To kick things off, we'll be getting together for an exciting day of learning Reiki for animals. Join us on October 7th for Animal Reiki Certification class. This special day will combine classroom learning with hands on experience at a nearby farm. Whether you're interested in learning how to deliver Reiki to your beloved pets, wish to share Reiki with sheltered animals, or want to begin an Aninal Reiki practice....this is a great opportunity to jump right in!


Have you been thinking about learning Reiki? We've got Usui Ryoho Reiki Level I Certification class coming up on October 9th/16th . Whether you're interested in learning how to give Reiki to yourself, wish to share Reiki with friends & family, or want to begin a Reiki practice....this is the perfect opportunity to jump right in! Looking for a class that offers CE credit hours that you can apply towards your massage therapy license requirements? Receive 10 CE hours when you take this class!


Can't make it on the 9th and 16th? This month I'll be teaching a second Reiki Level I Certification on the 21st and 27th!


Next, I'll be teaching Meditation with Connect with Spirit! on October 14th. Want to learn how to connect with Spirit? In this class, you'll learn my method of connecting with the angels, spirit guides, and loved ones...and, yes, anyone can do it


Can't make it on the 14h? This month I'll be teaching a second Meditation with Connect with Spirit! class on the 26th!


Join us on October 18th for Movie Night! to watch...."Keepers of the Light" . At a time when women feel frustrated, trying to hold their families together alone, burdened with financial and spiritual chaos, feeling like victims in an uncontrolled environment, through these interviews, we learn about the rise of the feminine energy on the planet and how this energy is now impacting each of our lives, both male and female. You will learn from our ancestors messages that are not only relevant to our lives today but necessary for every woman to embrace and tap into! Come hang out with me and other like minded folks for a chill night at the movies ...popcorn provided


This month's special is all about your furry, feathered, scaly, and fishy friends. Did you know that Animal Communication and Animal Reiki can be done remotely? In fact, often times it is easier for the pet to receive energetic healing, or to communicate with me, from a distance. Without all of the distractions of having a visitor or being in a strange place, animals are sometimes better able to focus on the energetic/psychic connection this way. If you have a pet that you would like to treat to an Animal Communication and Reiki session, take advantage of this month's special - Animal Communication & Animal Reiki Session Combo for $100 ($50 savings!) . For more information and instructions, see below.


Animals are so super good at being in the flow. I have so much admiration for animals and their intuitive ways of existing. Going with the flow is just one more cool thing we can learn from them. On October 24th, we'll be getting together for "Let's Play" - Animal Communication! Have you ever wondered what it would be like to talk to animals? Well, here's your chance to learn how. Our pets are tuning into our energy all the time and would love for us to understand what they have to say. It's easier than you may think!


So, these are just a few of the things happening this month at Light Works.


As always, new things are popping up on the Light Works Meetup page . Be sure to join the group to receive announcements. Stay tuned, stay connected, and stay in touch!


Sending lots of healing energy and LOVE to you all...hope to see you soon!


In love & light,


Juli Richardson

Certified Reiki Master Teacher, Psychic Medium, & Animal Communicator

Call 703-926-4499 or email to schedule a reading or healing session for you or someone you love

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Our location is conveniently located in Northern Virginia, near 66. Old Town Manassas is a short drive from Gainesville, Bristow, Fairfax, Warrenton, Vienna, Arlington, Centreville, Burke, Springfield, Woodbridge, and Dale City. We also offer distance healing and phone readings. Please contact me for more information. Thanks!
DISCLAIMER: Information you receive from any and all services, communication or consultations with Light Works is for personal purposes only and is not intended to, nor should it ever, take the place of any medical, legal, financial, traditional psychological, or other professional advice. Light Works will not accept responsibility for any decisions made or actions taken by anyone based upon services, consultations or communications received. The choices you make and the actions you take are solely your responsibility. You agree to completely hold blameless and absolutely indemnify Light Works or any persons associated with Light Works, from any and all liabilities and expenses.  
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